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Raising a Confident Child

Raising a Confident Child

To raise a confident child is to build their self-esteem – who they are in Christ. How do you build a child’s self-esteem? Model what you want to see, encourage and empower through the words you speak onto them, and your actions. Our children watch us daily....

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Parenting with Purpose

Parenting With Purpose

Parenting is a journey with many things to discover. As parents, we love our children, and no one knows our kids are better than we do. We know their weaknesses and strengths. We know their gifts and talents. We know them well. However, some things sit outside of our scope...

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Homeschooling a Sensory Child

Homeschooling a Sensory Child: What You Need to Know

Most people think the school environment is the best place for a child. But what if it isn’t? What if your child isn’t thriving? What if you have different priorities in life to the school? What if you see a big difference in...

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What is Proprioception?

NOTE: technical blog!! 

What Is Proprioception?

It’s said that we have five basic senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste. Yet there’s a sixth sense (and more!) that’s often recognised as such because it’s just as important as those other five. It’s...

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Anger Management, Emotional Regulation, and Its Relationship to the Tactile System

Anger Management, Emotional Regulation, and Its Relationship to the Tactile System.


Everyone gets angry sometimes. Adults can usually express their anger as well as the source of it, but for children, it’s not always so easy. What’s even more mystifying is if your...

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What is the Vestibular System?

Understanding the Vestibular System and Its Disorders

Each day, our bodies engage in a series of functions we don’t really consciously think much about. For example, our hearts beat on their own, we breathe without making any effort, and we keep our balance without trying. That last bodily...

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Self-Care Chronicles: Menstruation for Girls with Sensory Issues

Self-Care Chronicles: Menstruation for Girls with Sensory Issues

In this article: Begin to realise the world of menstruating with sensory issues and how to help your loved one cope with the body’s monthly routine. We will discuss tips for easing symptoms as well as promoting good personal...

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Self-Care Chronicles: Nutrition and Eating for Sensory Issues

Self-Care Chronicles: Nutrition and Eating for Sensory Issues

In this article: We explore foods known to reduce sensory meltdowns and why they work, as well as helpful strategies to promote independent feeding and healthy eating habits among children, teens, and adults with sensory processing...

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Self-Care Chronicles – Toileting

Self-Care Chronicles: Potty Training and Toileting

Perhaps you knew that potty-training was going to be an issue.

For any parent is can be discouraging to watch those Pinterest-perfect mothers successfully train their children to potty on their own in such a short amount of time.

It can feel...

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Self-Care Chronicles – Getting Dressed

Self-Care Chronicles: Getting Dressed

No matter the age, getting dressed for a child can be a hassle. Oftentimes children, in general, are particular or afraid of the routine. Then add sensory processing issues and getting dressed together: now we have a bigger problem that can last into...

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Self-Care Chronicles – Brushing teeth

Self-Care Chronicles: Brushing Teeth

Welcome to another entry into the Self-Care Chronicles. Today we will talk about brushing teeth and oral hygiene for people with sensory processing issues. Making sure to care for even these small areas can improve many other aspects of your loved ones life.


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Self-Care Chronicles – Bathing

Self-Care Chronicles: Bathing

Bath-time is one of those things that can look lovely in pictures. Seeing a child enjoying a rubber ducky covered in bubbles or running around in an animal shaped towel just after getting clean—these are the things that sell the best soap. Reality, however, is...

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