Distraction and Lack of Focus

Distraction and Lack of Focus
There are many reasons why children are easily distracted. When children do not get enough sleep, they can be easily distracted. Also, when children are experiencing stress and anxiety, this can be a factor that affects their ability to focus, and thus they become distracted with their thoughts. However, when a child demonstrates an ongoing problem with focus, there is something going on behind the scenes. I encourage parents to always look beyond the surface symptoms and tap into the root of the issue.
Easily Distracted Children
Lack of focus is a symptom of something else that can be happening underneath the surface. ADHD is a common cause of focus problems, and it is something that runs in families. But ADHD is not the only thing that can be causing a lack of focus problems. Your child may have difficulty with concentrating on one activity or following directions. Your child may be demonstrating difficulty in keeping a conversation. No matter the symptom or root cause, you can do things to help improve your child with focus. First, you must begin to evaluate what you see in your child. Watch your child as they navigate their day, watch their reactions and his or her behaviours. Share your observations with a professional that can guide you to pinpoint the problem and how you can improve it.
The first thing you must do with your child is to let him know that lack of focus is nothing to be ashamed of. Remind him of his strengths and communicate that everyone struggles with something. Encourage your child always and, most importantly, seek to equip yourself with the right resources and knowledge because you cannot help your child if you do not have an understanding and know-how to help.
Improvement Begins With You
Helping our children will require that we change our parenting strategies but also change our perspectives. A change of perspective happens when a professional can explain to you how your child is processing emotions, thoughts, and the reason for their behaviours. In the process, you will find that as a parent, the way that we relate to our children, how we speak, and react to them will determine their progress.
1 Corinthians 13:4, Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant.
As parents, we can make a difference in a child’s life, but we must have patience. We must parent through a lens of love and mercy. Will it be frustrating at times? Yes, absolutely. But we must hang on to our child’s development process. It is indeed a journey, and for our children to evolve and grow, it will take time, effort, and work. Your child’s improvement often begins with your improvement. Not to add any more pressure, guilt or condemnation but we can’t deny that the more you have control over your own reactions and learn how to speak to you child and fulfill their emotional needs, then by default, your child’s improvement often follow.
Ephesians 4:2, I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.
Sometimes frustration can get the best of us. Our busy days and schedules bring about stress, all kinds of stress. Add the element of your child’s difficulties and struggles. It can all be frustrating, especially when you do not know what to do. Because life is stressful, we must seek to be centred in God and His word. We must abide in a humble spirit and be gentle, bearing with one another in the bond of love. Let love guide your days and your interactions with your child no matter what struggles are taking place. Let me help support, train, mentor and coach you.