The Sensory Healthy Church


Welcome, value and integrate sensory needs into corporate worship and the life of the church.


For leaders and members alike.


"All nations whom you have made shall come and worship before you O Lord; and shall glorify your name."

Psalm 86:9 

We did a global survey on sensory needs in the church, the results were surprising:

a pie chart with a statistic, "61% of survey respondents avoid church because their sensory needs aren't being met."

Sensory Healthy Church Programme

Free for Everyone

Online content

  • Lifetime access.
  • Over 3 Hours of Content.
  • Access to additional 1:1 support 

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Online content

Your donation, in exchange for the Sensory Healthy Church programme, will go towards the work of Christian Sensory Support. 



Six Weeks to a Sensory Healthy Church

Implementation and accountability support. 

Six zooms each year.

Come back every year - Lifetime access.

Login details for the whole church family to access.

Find out more here

 Prepare for Church Growth!


Join the rolling program Six Weeks to a Sensory Healthy Church for ongoing support


Sign up anytime and watch the free 3 hour video content


MARCH - 4 week implementation / review and prepare for Easter.


SEPTEMBER - 2 week implementation / review and prepare for Christmas!

Watch this video to find out more about the Sensory Healthy Church


So what are sensory needs?

Sensory processing and integration issues (or sensory needs) are how we process and respond to sensory information from our environment and from inside our body. This makes it fundamental to how we behave in everyday life. Our processing might make us have extreme or fluctuating responses to everyday stimuli like sounds, textures, or movements. It might make us fidgety, noisy, distractible, anxious, unconfident or clumsy. It can have a profound effect on our faith too.

Sensory processing issues are often more significant in people with ADHD, Autism, DCD, Learning Disability, Anxiety or PDA, but are present in everyone in varying levels.

four people lying on the floor, pointing to various parts of their faces
a group of people sitting on sofas reading the bible together, laughing

Sensory Needs in the Church


We want to make church life as accessible as possible for everyone.

If you're in leadership, by having a deeper dive into how sensory needs affect others, you can be even more effective in meeting those needs and help people thrive in the life of your church.

If you are living with sensory needs, then we can empower you to do what you can even if your church is still on it's journey to fully support you. 

For Leadership & Teams

Be supported to create a sensory environment that nourishes all visitors to your church and members in it. 

Learn More

For Church Members

Learn how you can support yourself or your family's sensory needs best. 

Learn More

Sensory needs look different for everyone.

And everyone processes their sensory needs in unique ways.

These are common signs that someone may need additional sensory support.

cartoon drawing of a man covering his eyes
Cartoon drawing of a woman shouting through a megaphone
cartoon drawing of a man holding up a bag full of arrows and lighting, symbolising immense pressure
cartoon drawing of a woman plugging her ears with her fingers
cartoon drawing of a woman fidgeting on a chair

We all experience the world through our senses. Some people may feel overwhelmed, bored, or excluded due to lack of sensory input, too much input, fear of the environment, or no where to go to help them regroup and de-stress.

  • Do you have restless members during service?
  • Do family members take it in turns to attend church instead of coming together?
  • Are disruptive members inadvertently excluded?
  • Are you concerned that people are staying away from church due to sensory needs?

This 3 hour online 'On Demand' programme is split into bitesize chunks!

It helps Christians identify the sensory struggles individuals, families and leaders face in corporate worship and in the life of the church, and present solutions according to needs identified, finances and space available to each individual congregation and family. 

A Resource for Church Leaders and Congregation Alike

 It let's everyone know they are valued, appreciated and belong in the life of the church.

It's church growth through compassion. 

“The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love” Psalm 147:11

 Lifetime Access.

Whether it's for you, your family, your small church, large church or Mega-church:


  • Worldwide Survey Results Breakdown.
  • Church Questionnaire - for members to take to leadership or for leadership to use with members.
  • Sensory Audit for the building, environment and services.
  • Solutions to meet each sensory need.
  • Modules to raise awareness of specific sensory needs.
  • Modules to train team members.
  • Tips for preachers, teachers and leaders.
  • Strategies for individuals, parents, family members and carers.
  • How to run sessions and services to reduce meltdowns and distracting behaviours.
  • 'Sensory Healthy Church' poster & social icons.
  • Registration for an easy find for people looking for a sensory healthy church.


Connect with us in the Christian Sensory Support Facebook group

Over 30 years Occupational Therapy Experience

Anne Laure Jackson is a sensory specialist OT and Advanced Practitioner in Sensory Processing & Integration. She has spent the last 50 years in church and loves Jesus. She has helped thousands of people, working with parents, children, schools, businesses and organisations.

Her Sensory Super System® and other programmes empower people to take action, with support, and thrive with their own unique Sensory Thumbprint®.

headshot of Anne Laure facing camera, smiling