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No matter what this season has brought you, the blessing of forgiveness and new life remains. We celebrate His resurrection to remember to the pain and suffering our Savior endured at the Cross, and to praise Him for His gift of salvation. Because of His wounds, we are healed.
It can be hard in...
Do you have a child that hits, kicks, screams in the house, rips things up, and regularly ‘loses it’?
Can you remember dreaming of reaching adulthood so you could eat chocolate cake every day for dinner and stay up until the small hours of the night on a weekday? Yet, now that we...
Savouring the Little Moments with Sensory Processing Disorders and Special Needs
Loving a child with any special needs or sensory issues comes with its challenges. Every time they fall, our hearts drop like a brick from the sky as we are forced to choose to rush to the side of our fallen child,...
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