Hi, I’m Anne Laure


I have a BSc OT with Distinction, am an Advanced Practitioner in Sensory Integration, an international conference speaker and have a Postgraduate Diploma in Sensory Integration with Commendation.


I’m a clinical specialist (Ayres SI Therapist); an online mentor for OT’s around the world and e-mentor for the Sensory Integration Education Global Network.


I love what I do!

I work in three main areas:

  • With parents and family members who would value being trained, equipped and supported to bring out the best in their children.
  • With adults that would appreciate knowing their own sensory processing patterns and learning how to manage them best.
  • As a training resource and consultant for those in education, clubs, and business.

Anti-Discrimination Practice

I love to work with people of all ages, faiths, disabilities, gender, colours, nationalities, creeds and any other differences we might find amongst ourselves. We are all created uniquely, individually, and everyone one of us matters!

Amazon Best Selling Author

Author of 4 books on Amazon: 7 Keys to Successful Sensory Processing: KEY 1 Understanding the Senses, Raising a Sensory Child with Ease, Homeschooling a Sensory Child with Ease, and Home Educating a Sensory Child with Ease.

Wife and Home Educating Mum

Happily married since 1995 to a husband with MS and a Homeschooling mum of 3, with 21+ years experience of raising a family.

Certified KBA Coach

A coach for an international association of Kingdom-minded business owners and marketplace leaders.

Member of RCOT and HCPC

The Royal College of Occupational Therapists RCOT and Health Care Professions Council HCPC play a crucial role in promoting the standards of professional therapy staff in the UK.


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Change starts with a single step!

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What our Families are Saying...

"Having a child with sensory processing disorder can feel very lonely and isolating. My son had regular meltdowns and would frequently follow me around the home screaming and hitting me.  We also live in a small apartment and it was challenging to think of creative ways to meet his sensory needs. Being part of the community has increased my confidence to parent in the way that my son needs.  As a result he is a happier, more settled little boy." K.M.
"Before receiving support from Anne Laure, our two adopted boys could not eat in the same room together without aggressive behaviour such as throwing their knives and forks at each other's faces. Our youngest child was losing weight. Now we have largely happy fun and constructive family meals every day and our youngest son eats well, is growing healthily and tries new foods frequently." J.D.
"We had daily episodes of violent behaviour from our boys and that has now massively decreased.  Before, we were unable to play and relax together as a family, and now we do this every day." T.D.